Friday, March 1, 2013

Survivor: Caramoan...Don't Talk To Me

Guess what. Shamar has a No Talking List. I kid you not. Gota's most obnoxious resident has created a list of fellow tribe members that are not allowed to talk to him. At the tippy top of said list is Reynold, who is (according to Shamar) a disgusting human being that won't share critical eye-wear during challenges, and Eddie, who is a loyal follower of Reynold and, therefore, persona non grata. I'm not sure which is more ludicrous...the existence of this list or the self-righteous indignation of Shamar whenever Reynold dares to violate it just to agitate him.
Not on Shamar's No Talking List is Hope, who benefits from his diarrhea of the mouth disorder when he blabs that she and Eddie better pack up before the next Tribal Council because one of them is going home. She uses this information to create chaos in the opposing alliance by blabbing to Julia, who proves the contagiousness of the disorder by blabbing Shamar's misdeed to everyone else. Too bad for Hope (and her ever diminishing clique) that all that running off at the mouth didn't accomplish anything, unless handing Jeff ammunition for Tribal Council counts as an accomplishment.
Speaking of Jeff...How easy is his job this season? Between the varying degrees of crazy loose in both tribes, the escalating acts of incompetence (like Reynold "hiding" his immunity idol in his girly pants), and the shocking willingness of all those motormouths to spill their guts with very little provocation, there is no shortage of fodder for our favorite reality show referee to choose from during quality sharing time, otherwise known as Tribal Council. The only real difficulty that he faces this season is making these people seem likable or competent, which is not possible as long as they are allowed to continue to speak.
There's a lot of talking going on over at the Bikal camp too, mostly by resident loonies Phillip, who, in addition to his prodigious abilities in the field of federal law enforcement, also possesses mad skills on the basketball court, and Brandon, who is ready to defile his tribe's supply of beans in retaliation for any wrong (real or perceived) committed against him. We also shouldn't overlook Andrea, who is operating solely on paranoia (jealousy?) and is targeting Corinne for being too close to Malcolm. Should Crazy R Us make it to the merge, I predict that they find themselves on Shamar's No Talking List.

Guess what. I have a No Talking List too. Shut up Shamar.

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