Friday, February 22, 2013

Survivor: Caramoan...Pretty People Problems

First, some clarification seems to be in order. Merriam-Webster defines a hasbeen as a person, especially one formerly popular, who continues in their field after their popularity has peaked and is now in decline. The "favorites" playing at Survivor this season never peaked. If they were remembered at all, it was for behaving in ways that were either loathsome, stupid, or certifiable. It is baffling that someone on Survivor's crack production team labelled them "favorites". I am certainly not about to perpetuate the travesty by slapping the title of "hasbeen" on them because, while it is not usually meant to be a compliment, it would be in this case and they don't deserve it any more than they deserve to be called "favorites". The exception is Malcolm whose popularity during his season places him squarely into both categories. I do not, as a hard and fast rule, support hasbeens, but, during a season of "favorites" where hasbeens have a legitimate place, I can root for Malcolm with impunity.

I sincerely hope that this has served to explain my position to the satisfaction of my twitter stalkers.
This week's installment of Crazy Running Amok opens with Brandon blowing his shit over Francesca being voted out first for the second time. This, apparently, is an atrocity that cannot go unpunished, prompting him to threaten antics that would make Uncle Russell look like a vulgar word for a specific lady part. Three whole days and the unstable are already showing signs of requiring soft restraints and powerful antipsychotics.
Speaking of people who are off their meds...Phillip is busy resurrecting Stealth R Us (which should have stayed dead) when he's not attempting (and failing) to channel Boston Rob. When Brandon refused to succumb to Phillip's cult leader speak, the certifiable, self-centered pot (Phillip) had the temerity to call the kettle (Brandon) crazy and narcissistic. *snickers*  My money's on "special agent Pink Panther Inspector Gadget" getting his pink undies kicked in the dirt by Lil Hantz, unless there's an intervention.
Life in the Gota camp is not much better. Shamar spends nineteen hours a day beached in the shade annoying the hell out of Reynold, who seems to be losing his mighty struggle to overcome his incapacitating adolescent mentality. As one of the Pretty People, Reynold reeks of entitlement and considers his advancement in the game a given. He confronted Shamar without provocation at camp, and barely gave that troublemaker Jeff a chance to ask him about Shamar at Tribal Council before running off at the mouth about Shamar's many failings as a fellow tribe member, his supposed to be hidden Immunity Idol bulging from the tight pants that he should have had the sense to leave at home where they belong. After a little prompting from Jeff (of course), Laura made everyone aware of it and Reynold got to rue picking vanity over practicality.
The brains powering the Pretty People was, supposedly, Allie, who was too busy frolicking with her new clique to notice that they were outnumbered and, therefore, in danger of being voted out of the game that she was there to play. She looked like she was hard at work on solving the mystery of all those pieces of paper with her name on them when Jeff snuffed her torch. And she was her alliance's best shot at making it to the Merge.

The thought that somebody in production could decide that these incompetents are our future "favorites" makes me cringe.

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