Thursday, March 21, 2013

Survivor: Caramoan...Operation Damage Control

Nothing says desperate attempt to salvage a season of suck like a tribe shuffle disguised as a Reward Challenge (that didn't happen for the second time in a row). The even distribution of the "favorites" between the two tribes left the "fans" outnumbered in both tribes and set them up for their second screwing of the season.

The new Gota tribe is a combination of the strongest "favorites" and the most annoying "fans". Douches 1 and 2 (Reynold and Eddie) sucked up to Malcolm and Erik in a shameless attempt to curry favor and get rid of their enemy, Sherri, who busied herself in the same way with Andrea and Brenda. Happy to have an excuse to talk to Malcolm alone, Andrea blabbed everything she knew and then blindly accepted his blatant lie about not having an Immunity Idol as gospel. If Malcolm and Erik form a boys alliance with the douches and get rid of Andrea, it will serve her right for letting her lady parts do all her thinking for her.

The only real asset on the Bikal tribe is Cochran, who saw the potential threat of Matt's and Michael's obvious alliance and engineered Matt's exit from the game, in spite of Phillip's conviction that he could turn the pair into assets for Stealth R Us. Cochran is the only member of the current Bikal tribe that does not grate on my last nerve, and it is my sincere wish that when this wretched season finally ends it will be him sitting next to Malcolm.

The one person that seems to have benefited from the tribe shuffle is Andrea, who no longer has to compete with Corinne for facetime with Malcolm. It certainly wasn't any of the beleaguered fans watching this travesty play out, because we can't stomach the new configuration of feckless idiots any better than the old one.

I prefer to watch the implosion of the Quattro Alliance over on Big Brother Canada.


  1. What was the "fans" first screwing?

  2. Does this mean that we will be getting Big Brother Canada posts soon?

  3. Someone that saw Reynold behave like a douche.
