Monday, July 1, 2013

Big Brother 15...The Bigot Edition

Somebody (Robyn Kass) should lose her job for casting these disgusting people, thus giving them a forum to spew their vile racist, homophobic, and/or misogynistic views. Somebody else (Allison Grodner) should join her in the treacherous land of the unemployed for condoning the intolerance currently running rampant throughout the Big Brother house by allowing it to continue. And the powers that be at CBS should be ashamed of themselves for paying the casting director, the executive producer, and the house guests to perpetuate hate.

America...You have been tasked with awarding a special power to the house guest that you think is the most deserving. You should know what some of the house guests are so you can make an informed choice.

Male Chauvinist Pig. Jeremy routinely refers to women as "bitches", and speaks of them in a degrading manner.

Guilty By Association. Kaitlin hooks up with Male Chauvinist Pig Jeremy, and seems comfortable with racial slurs and derogatory names for homosexuals being used in her presence.

Male Chauvinist Pig and Homophobe. Spencer refers to women as "cunts", Andy as a "fruit", and has called Andy "Kermit the Fag" to his face.

Racist. GinaMarie referred to Candice and Howard as "tokens", commented that Candice is "on the dark side of the house because she is already dark", and offered to "hit Helen in the head to make her eyes straight".

Racist. David blamed "black Candice" for his foul smelling sheets, and is showmancing...

Racist Homophobe. Aaryn told a distraught Helen to "shut up and go make some rice", warned GinaMarie to "be careful what you say in the dark, you might not see the bitch (Candice)", corrected Candice's speech (in a thoroughly snotty and superior manner), and referred to Andy as a "queer".

These people are repugnant. Robyn Kass cast them, and Allison Grodner allows them to run their ignorant, offensive mouths. CBS should not sanitize them or their behavior by heavily editing them.

Everyone should see them for what they really are.

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