Friday, July 12, 2013

Big Brother 15...Enough

Once upon a not very long ago time (last week), in a kingdom (the United Kingdom) not too far away (just across "the pond"), a housemate was issued a formal warning by Big Brother for violating His hard and fast rule regarding language that could be considered  offensive by fellow housemates or the viewing public. The housemate had made a derogatory remark to a fellow housemate about "caravan parks" and her affiliation with them in an attempt to elicit irritation from her as part of a secret task to earn a treat for the entire house. The housemate had explained his remark to the offended housemate afterward, apologized, and been forgiven. The offending housemate was penalized anyway.

Zero tolerance.

Inexplicably, the US version of Big Brother is teeming with an inexcusable overabundance of tolerance. The houseguests are allowed to speak and behave in ways that are offensive and abhorrent to civilized society, without penalty or restraint, and the targets of their blatant racism and homophobia have no recourse but to tolerate it or withdraw.

After enduring weeks of racist remarks, Candice dared to confront Aaryn for trashing her bed, and was subjected to racially charged mocking and taunts from her and GinaMarie.

Howard physically removed Candice from the confrontation before it could escalate beyond verbal abuse, and begged her to avoid the racism by giving up her bed. He waited for her to leave the room, and then broke down and cried as he begged God to grant him the strength to endure the hatred being spewed.

Howard and Candice slept on the floor of the Have Not room last night.

I can't be the only one that sees something grievously wrong with that.

My question...Why doesn't CBS?

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