Sunday, November 18, 2012

Survivor: Philippines...The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Part One

Malcolm boldly challenged the opposing alliance and risked his Survivor life by running a bluff that kept his idol in the game and the Tandang alliance off balance. He also wisely showed Lisa the grace and mercy that she desperately needed after betraying him. Very good. And my new favorite.
Denise orchestrated the termination of the Evil Three's most valuable, yet least protected, player, Artis. She is a triple threat; smart, strong, and likable. Definitely good. And I wouldn't mind seeing her make it to the end with her ally, Malcolm.
Jonathan blew the vote that could have saved his ally, Jeff Kent. Very, very bad. It was his strategy during the Reward Challenge that gave his team a clear advantage, which led to their victory and a new alliance for him. Very good. He then began a one man crusade to manipulate Lisa into switching alliances by playing on her need to be viewed in a positive light. Morally ambiguous, but strategically necessary and good. He successfully lured Michael away from the Tandang alliance, giving his new alliance the numbers they needed to take Artis out of the game. Also very good. It galls me that I keep finding myself rooting for him when I loathe his presence in the game on principle.
Pete blew the blindside of Malcolm, which proved to be detrimental to his Evil Three alliance. Definitely bad. He is also a troublemaker with no motivation other than a compulsion to disrupt the order of the universe, like the retired jackass in my neighborhood that drives ten miles under the speed limit every weekday morning, making everybody stuck behind him late for work. Bad and ugly. He can get kicked off the island next.
Artis arrogantly believed that bullies are untouchable. Very bad. He mistakenly thought that treating people badly is not only acceptable, but the best way to keep them loyal. Very ugly. He got what he deserved.

Note:  Part Two will be posted on Wednesday.

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