First word of the day..."Whinge".
Whinge is Aussie slang for complain persistently in a peevish or irritating way.
Tully managed to be both peevish and irritating, FOR FIFTY-SEVEN DAYS. Even in situations where a positive attitude would have served her better, Tully radiated negativity, polluting the positive air with her constant whining, ABOUT ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.
Second word of the day..."Sook".
Sook is Aussie slang for sulk, often to the point of behaving like a small child. It is also used to describe an overly emotional or sensitive person.
"Typhoon Tully" threw a tantrum whenever she didn't get her way, which was often. Attempts by reasonable adults to address her immature behavior were met with hostility and resulted in more tantrums.
Tully also used frequent histrionics to emotionally hijack situations that revolved around others. One of many possible examples of this was Tully's predictable sobbing fits during evictions that drew the attention away from the evicted housemate and onto her.
Last word of the day...
It is a universally recognized word for a woman that flagrantly disrespects the feelings of her significant other by engaging in romantic behavior with someone else.
I don't think that any of you need me to tell you what it is.