Monday, April 1, 2013

Big Brother Canada...Instant Drama

As long as it continues to hold my attention, I will continue to post updates of Big Brother Canada on Mondays.

Can you hear it? No, that's not it...That's a full blown tantrum being thrown by a grown man that has just learned that his gourmet life is suspended for as long as he is destined to be on a slop diet. Nooo, that's not it either...That's a girl fight between an acute sufferer of diarrhea of the mouth and a floater that shouldn't have been shocked to hear that she was a potential target. Yes! That's what I've been waiting five long weeks to hear...The absence of the horrific racket that is Suzanne's voice, loud, whiny, and endlessly grating. *breathes sigh of relief*  Peace at last.

"Winner" of the shortest reign in Big Brother history, Topaz ran her mouth to host Arisa Cox (so awful that Julie Chen seems almost competent by comparison) and learned a valuable life lesson. Never tell anyone anything that you don't want everyone to know.

Topaz's instant nominations of Andrew and AJ were followed by the the instant eviction of everyone's favorite pawn star AJ, who is now the self-appointed HOH of the jury house. I look forward to future segments of AJ telling us how AJ is keeping busy without anyone for AJ to talk to but AJ.

Andrew learned that he was Topaz's target during her gabfest with Arisa, televised for the viewing pleasure of all the house guests. As the new HOH, he has the power of retribution (for his nomination and his best friend AJ's eviction) at his disposal and has demonstrated an apparent willingness to wield it, putting Topaz on the block with Gary, who is quite possibly the real target. If so, then starving on slop Gary is not the glitter-covered pawn that he thinks he is. He's AJ's new glitter-covered companion at the jury house.

But at least it's quiet. Now, if only big brother would take that stupid air hockey table away from them.

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