Friday, July 26, 2013

Big Brother 15...The Blame Game

A racist princess, a racist nutjob, and a vicious skank are sitting on the block. At stake is a half million dollars, questionable notoriety, and two more months (potentially) of forced cohabitation with whoever stays. Who do you evict?

The vicious skank.

Why? Because everybody wants to sit next to the racist princess at the end, nobody wants to let the racist nutjob off her leash until poor Nick has relocated with a brand new identity, and almost everybody performs deplorably in competitions and cannot afford to allow the highly competitive vicious skank to stay.

So...The "catty girls", as Kaitlin dubbed Aaryn and GinaMarie, have lost an ally and are, according to her, responsible for her odious behavior while she was in the Big Brother house. She is using the "their bad behavior rubbed off on me" defense, and is claiming her own poor choice in allies as her only misdeed.

And the woman with the degree in broadcast journalism, whose job it is to call bullshit when it is being flung about, let her get away with it.

Jeff Probst would have had footage of Kaitlin bullying Jessie and taunting Candice. He would have had her confessing her multitude of sins and begging for forgiveness. He would have done his job, and earned our respect.

Julie Chen just makes us wonder how she got her job.

Big Brother Australia starts on Monday. Finally.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Big Brother 15...Growing Ego, Raging Douchiness

Douches everywhere are mourning the loss of their king today, while those of us that cannot abide obnoxious, self-aggrandizing, racist, misogynistic assholes raise glasses of our favorite adult beverages in celebration. We will no longer have to bear witness to Jeremy loudly proclaiming his perceived greatness, or Jeremy deliberately attempting to intimidate his fellow houseguests (some, members of his own alliance), or Jeremy demonstrating his ignorant and disgusting views of women and anyone of a different race or sexual orientation, or *gags* Jeremy grinding on his skank. Cheers!

For the record, Jeremy playing dress-up in his giant rubber pants and Trixie bonnet was not anything but a pathetic attempt to suck up to people that are too smart to be fooled by his disguise. A douche wearing a diaper is still a douche.

As for Jeremy's supposed "growth" over the past few weeks...

The only thing that seemed to grow was his ego.

And his capacity for self-delusion.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Big Brother 15...Disclaimer

I have seen it twice. It wasn't any easier to stomach the second time. The atrocities being allowed by CBS in their Big Brother house are that difficult to watch.

Candice Stewart


Howard Overby

showed us how difficult it was to bear.

Allowing the viewers to see Aaryn, GinaMarie, Kaitlin, and Jeremy for the vicious, racist bullies that they are does not absolve CBS of the responsibility it bears for the role that it has played in perpetuating hate by not penalizing the offenders for their repugnant behavior.

CBS's disclaimer is their denial of that responsibility. And it is an insult to Candice Stewart and Howard Overby.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Big Brother 15...Enough

Once upon a not very long ago time (last week), in a kingdom (the United Kingdom) not too far away (just across "the pond"), a housemate was issued a formal warning by Big Brother for violating His hard and fast rule regarding language that could be considered  offensive by fellow housemates or the viewing public. The housemate had made a derogatory remark to a fellow housemate about "caravan parks" and her affiliation with them in an attempt to elicit irritation from her as part of a secret task to earn a treat for the entire house. The housemate had explained his remark to the offended housemate afterward, apologized, and been forgiven. The offending housemate was penalized anyway.

Zero tolerance.

Inexplicably, the US version of Big Brother is teeming with an inexcusable overabundance of tolerance. The houseguests are allowed to speak and behave in ways that are offensive and abhorrent to civilized society, without penalty or restraint, and the targets of their blatant racism and homophobia have no recourse but to tolerate it or withdraw.

After enduring weeks of racist remarks, Candice dared to confront Aaryn for trashing her bed, and was subjected to racially charged mocking and taunts from her and GinaMarie.

Howard physically removed Candice from the confrontation before it could escalate beyond verbal abuse, and begged her to avoid the racism by giving up her bed. He waited for her to leave the room, and then broke down and cried as he begged God to grant him the strength to endure the hatred being spewed.

Howard and Candice slept on the floor of the Have Not room last night.

I can't be the only one that sees something grievously wrong with that.

My question...Why doesn't CBS?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Big Brother 15...All Kinds of Disclosure

Apparently, the brain trust in charge of decisions regarding the disclosure of racist, homophobic, misogynist, and offensive behavior committed by the house guests over on Big Brother thought that partial disclosure was in order. And Aaryn, having the dubious distinction of accruing the most pink slips as a result of her disgusting behavior, was tossed under the bus that CBS had commandeered just for the occasion.

Airing some of Aaryn's disgraceful behavior, while ignoring that of her compatriots, does not erase the stain of suspicion that CBS and its incompetents running production over at Big Brother are complicit in this behavior by allowing it to continue unchecked.

Only a ban of all such behavior and full disclosure can do that.

Speaking of full disclosure...Amanda decided to expose everything that she's been hiding under her clothes while in the Big Brother house. History tells us that CBS will probably air heavily edited footage of it, but they will acknowledge it, because sexual behavior attracts viewers and then keeps them happy.

History also tells us that viewers will get more footage of Jeremy parading around with Kaitlin clinging to him like a clip-on koala, followed by carefully edited footage of the two of them sharing sexually transmitted diseases because, again, that's what CBS thinks viewers want.

Perhaps Julie Chen can devote another segment of The Talk to explaining to us how stripping for the cameras and fornicating can "drive a story" or have anything whatsoever to do with "the elements of the game", since, according to Julie, footage of Aaryn's bigotry would not have been aired if it hadn't satisfied this criteria.

Sorry CBS. You can't have it both ways. And you are not fooling anybody.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Big Brother15...The Barter System

Unwritten Big Brother commandment number one...Thou shalt not allow thy nether regions to choose thy alliances, or be used in an attempt to bind those of questionable loyalty to thou. The wages of this particular sin are just too steep.

McCrae's HOH status did not deter his reality game show hook-up from bossing him around in his own room.

Not only is Kaitlin sharing a bed with a major douche, but she has seriously overestimated the power of her "meat wallet" to guarantee Jeremy's allegiance to her.

David's strength in the first HOH endurance challenge made him a Moving Company target, his utter stupidity during the POV competition kept him on the block, but it was his showmance with "the biggest bitch in the house" that made the other house guests willing to send him out the door.

Speaking of the biggest bitch...Princess Bigot is currently ensconced in the HOH room plotting against her enemies, primarily Elissa, who came into the house with the Brenchel fan base behind her by virtue of her Reilly blood and a twist engineered by Grodner to give her an unfair advantage.

Unfortunately for Elissa, The Moving Company guys are talking about moving her out this week even though they orchestrated her safety last week with the intent to weaponize her MVP status to their advantage. Even if the Brenchel army does vote her MVP again this week (or Grodner claims that it did), there isn't a better target that she could offer them to get them to save her again.

Elissa needn't worry...Her favorite executive producer will take care of it.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Big Brother 15...The Bigot Edition

Somebody (Robyn Kass) should lose her job for casting these disgusting people, thus giving them a forum to spew their vile racist, homophobic, and/or misogynistic views. Somebody else (Allison Grodner) should join her in the treacherous land of the unemployed for condoning the intolerance currently running rampant throughout the Big Brother house by allowing it to continue. And the powers that be at CBS should be ashamed of themselves for paying the casting director, the executive producer, and the house guests to perpetuate hate.

America...You have been tasked with awarding a special power to the house guest that you think is the most deserving. You should know what some of the house guests are so you can make an informed choice.

Male Chauvinist Pig. Jeremy routinely refers to women as "bitches", and speaks of them in a degrading manner.

Guilty By Association. Kaitlin hooks up with Male Chauvinist Pig Jeremy, and seems comfortable with racial slurs and derogatory names for homosexuals being used in her presence.

Male Chauvinist Pig and Homophobe. Spencer refers to women as "cunts", Andy as a "fruit", and has called Andy "Kermit the Fag" to his face.

Racist. GinaMarie referred to Candice and Howard as "tokens", commented that Candice is "on the dark side of the house because she is already dark", and offered to "hit Helen in the head to make her eyes straight".

Racist. David blamed "black Candice" for his foul smelling sheets, and is showmancing...

Racist Homophobe. Aaryn told a distraught Helen to "shut up and go make some rice", warned GinaMarie to "be careful what you say in the dark, you might not see the bitch (Candice)", corrected Candice's speech (in a thoroughly snotty and superior manner), and referred to Andy as a "queer".

These people are repugnant. Robyn Kass cast them, and Allison Grodner allows them to run their ignorant, offensive mouths. CBS should not sanitize them or their behavior by heavily editing them.

Everyone should see them for what they really are.