Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Big Brother 15...Disclaimer

I have seen it twice. It wasn't any easier to stomach the second time. The atrocities being allowed by CBS in their Big Brother house are that difficult to watch.

Candice Stewart


Howard Overby

showed us how difficult it was to bear.

Allowing the viewers to see Aaryn, GinaMarie, Kaitlin, and Jeremy for the vicious, racist bullies that they are does not absolve CBS of the responsibility it bears for the role that it has played in perpetuating hate by not penalizing the offenders for their repugnant behavior.

CBS's disclaimer is their denial of that responsibility. And it is an insult to Candice Stewart and Howard Overby.

1 comment:

  1. If this society had more people like you in it, a person that not only had a moral conscience but was willing to step up to the plate and really bat, it would be a much better place to live. By allowing these people to expound their bigoted views CBS DOES condone this behavior. As for the ignorant people that spout "Freedom of Speech" this constitutional right, as are all constitutional rights, is guaranteed as long as it doesn't infringe on another person's rights.
