Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Survivor: Philippines...A Million Dollar Mistake

Sometimes I hate it when I'm right. Malcolm blew his shot at a big payday when he sent Abi to join the pity party raging at the Ponderosa instead of Denise because he either forgot or ignored unwritten Survivor commandment number two...Thou shalt trust no one but thyself because even members of thine own alliance will cut thy throat for a million dollars. Malcolm trusted two floaters to honor their final three deal with him, and it cost him the game. *heaves huge sigh of disappointment*
At least the jury got it right. They awarded the victory and the big pile of money to the Survivor at the final Tribal Council that played the best game. Accusations that the jury as a whole was influenced by the bitterness of some of its members could have some merit. However, the decision rendered by the jury was the correct one, given the game Denise played compared to those played by Lisa and Michael, regardless of how it was arrived at. Denise was a Tribal Council warrior who survived three different tribes, Lisa let the game play her instead of the other way around, and Michael played most of the game in the role of Lisa's plus one. The jury's verdict may have been a punishment to Lisa and Michael for their betrayals as some have insinuated, but, since Denise was clearly the superior player, the verdict was just.

A few words about the Reunion...

Bitterness. RC was right. Pete wrecked her game for the sake of a little chaos, which eventually led to the implosion of the Tandang alliance. But the game ended months ago. Her hostility should have ended with it.

Redundancy. Lisa's issues were showcased ad nauseum every week without exception. Giving her precious airtime during the Reunion to address them AGAIN was cruel to the already beleaguered viewers that were in no way responsible for her Player of the Season win. *gags*

Hunger. Apparently, poor Carter was starving, not stoned. He should probably see a doctor about having his blood glucose monitored regularly.

Restraining Order. Jeff Probst needs one immediately. His stalker's behavior is escalating.

Overall, this season of Survivor was a vast improvement over recent seasons (last season was virtually unwatchable). Most of the players were likable even if they were incompetent, the exception being Abi who was both. The challenges were decent, even though all those multi round Immunity Challenges seemed to offer too many second and third chances when one should suffice with something so vital on the line. And, Jeff was present (literally and figuratively), getting the job done in a way that others can only hope to emulate--I'm looking at you, Julie Chen. He pushed all of the players to be the Survivors that they signed up to be and called them out on everything, drawing attention to the lazy and/or incompetent during challenges and asking the questions that made all the right people squirm.

This season made me want to come back again next season. See you in February.


  1. Just wanted to tell you that your insight and your sense of humor are appreciated. Try to find something to blog about until Survivor returns. Anything. You make me laugh.

    1. Thank you. Any suggestions?

    2. Movie reviews would be great. I would also like to know what you think about the premium cable shows.

    3. Did you have a particular series in mind?

    4. You pick. If I don't already watch it, I may start.

  2. How about movie reviews? I like to know what I'm paying for before I go and your opinion would be helpful as well as entertaining.


  3. You should do Dance Moms. I would love to know what you think of them. Sue
