Thursday, October 10, 2013

Survivor: Blood vs Water...Swift Justice

I totally called this one. A pissed off Candice is a fun Candice.

It turns out a pissed off Candice is an obscene finger gesturing, hostility spewing Candice that has no problem telling an obnoxious ex football player exactly what she thinks of how he conducts himself.

A pissed off Candice is also a vengeful Candice that dispenses swift Survivor style justice, targeting Brad's  loved one just as he had targeted hers.

Brad Culpepper's boorish behavior and aggressive tactics might play on a football field, but, in a game that requires rudimentary social skills and a great deal of finesse, maneuvers like his will get a lout booted.

And it did...right to Redemption Island, where he will be forced to lie in a rather uncomfortable bed that he has made for himself against the advice of others.

If Monica is smart, she will leave him there.

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