Thursday, November 20, 2014

Survivor: San Juan Del Sur...Trust No One

Object lesson of the week...

Selflessness guarantees a Survivor nothing but deprivation and misery.

Jeremy sacrificed lunch on a yacht to solidify his brand new alliance with Jon and Jaclyn, known traitors to every alliance they've had in the game.

Jon showed his appreciation for Jeremy's sacrifice by allowing him to be sent to Exile Island, even though there was no Immunity Idol for him to find there because Jon had already found it and kept it a secret.

When Jeremy realized that he never should have trusted someone that had repeatedly betrayed anyone foolish enough to trust him, Jon decided to eliminate Jeremy before Jeremy could eliminate him.

Ironically, Jeremy talked about the importance of trust at Tribal Council right before he was betrayed by a member of his core alliance, who had inexplicably allowed herself to be manipulated by someone that she had previously admitted to being unable to trust.

Sacrifice does not ensure trust in Survivor. Just ask the starving, exhausted guy that got sent to the Jury by the same people that he had sacrificed himself for.

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