First, repeatedly showing your heavily edited footage of Willie Hantz's expulsion does not make those of us that possess more than the iota of common sense that you credit us with any more inclined to believe your version of the events that took place. It's true that the man is not a saint. He made mistakes out of frustration and perhaps a misguided belief that he could save the other members of his team even though they had outcasted him for something he did not do. He was provoked and he reacted in ways that we have seen house guests of seasons past behave without consequences. He is not, however, the monster that you keep trying to edit him into, so just stop it. It only makes you look bad.
Second, and again I refer to the common sense that you seem to think we all lack, DO NOT force the "coaches" on us as valid players and pretend that we voted for them to enter the game. The coaches twist is the twist that never was. It is the excuse you used to make bringing in returning house guests more palatable for the fans who have repeatedly voiced our opinions (to no avail) regarding ringers forcing a game on us that we don't want to see. Let the newbies play the game they signed up for, and give the fans the game we want to see. History tells us that you won't. History tells us that you will probably do what most of us have suspected you would all along and allow the "coaches" into the game. We can't stop you. But pretending that it is something that we voted for will cost you what little credibility you have left, so do so at your own peril.
And now for the first happy news that we've had from the Big Brother house since Willie's attempt to take the game back from the "coaches". The puppet masters have lost control of one of their puppets. Shane has managed to cut his strings and is running amok, to the chagrin of those that thought they were in charge of things this week. *starts hunting through emails for Barnes and Noble coupons*
After doing his "coach's" bidding for the last two weeks, I didn't want to let myself hope that Shane would make good on the deal he struck with Boogie and Frank to target Janelle and her team. But that is exactly what he appears to be doing, and on his own terms.
Hopefully, the other puppets are taking note, and one day soon we will have a house full of real players ready to take on the "coaches" that CBS will no doubt "officially" allow into the game on Thursday night. Unfortunately, the puppets seem content to be puppets and will likely remain so, the possible exceptions being Frank, who is vile and therefore dead to me, and Danielle, who only seems to be willing to trade one puppet master ("Coach" Dan) for another (Shane).
So tell us what you think. Are you fed up with CBS's insults to our intelligence? Does Shane's transformation from puppet to real player give you hope that the others will follow his example? Or will Shane be taking on the "coaches" alone? You've seen it. It's fair game. Let's talk about it.